Login [wpuf-login] Cladding of Pedestrian Bridge at Asaba/Benin Expressway and Dennis Osadebey way (Abraka) Junction, Asaba in Oshimili South Local Government Area REINFORCEMENT OF ELECTRICITY SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF TRANSFORMER AT IHUMERE COMMUNITY IN IKA SOUTH LGA REPLACEMENT OF BURNT 2NOS 2.5 MVA 33/11KV INJECTION TRANSFORMER SUBSTATION AND REACTIVATION OF THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY NETWORK AT ABAVO IN IKA SOUTH LGA INSTALLATIONS OF 78 UNITS ALL-IN-ONE STAR POWERED STREET LIGHTS AT UTE-OKPU IN IKA NORTH EAST Provision of Security Services for Delta State Agricultural Procurement Agency{DAPA}, Ibusa Oshimili North Renovation of the Agricultural research Station,Obior,Aniocha North Cladding of Pedestrian Bridge at Asaba/Benin Expressway and Dennis Osadebey way (Abraka) Junction, Asaba in Oshimili South LGA. Cladding of Pedestrian Bridge at Asaba/Benin Expressway and Illah Road (Summit) Junction, Asaba in Oshimili South LGA. Construction of Obi Stephen Okonkwo Crescent/Efemena Rukky Otarigho Avenue in Okpanam in Oshimili North LGA Construction of Ambassador Echegile Street Boji-Boji Owa in Ika North-East LGA Reconstruction/Overlay of Melekwe Street From Old Lagos/Asaba Road to Okobi Street, Boji-Boji Owa in Ika North-East LGA Reconstruction and Overlay of Morka Street from Old Lagos/Asaba Road to Onyibe Road, Boji-Boji Owa in Ika North-East LGA Overlay of Chukwuka Street and Construction of Ngozi Street and Fred Okowa Street in Idumu-Ebor Quarters, Owa-Alero in Ika North-East LGA Rehabilitation and Overlay of Mokpia and Cemetery Roads in Idumu-Ebor Quarters, Owa-Alero in Ika North-East LGA Rehabilitation and Overlay of Idumu-Ebor/Alegwe and Agboma Roads in Idumu-Ebor Quarters, Owa-Alero in Ika North-East LGA Reconstruction of Omillo Road in Idumu-Ebor Quarters, Owa-Alero in Ika North-East LGA PURCHASE OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR THE OFFICE OF AUDITOR-GENERAL (LOCAL GOVT)(DT/LGA/376/006) PRINTING OF SECURITIZED AUDIT CERTIFICATE FOR OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL(LOCAL GOVT) DT/LGA/376/004 IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC SECTOR ACCOUNTING STANDARD(IPSAS) FOR THE 25 LGA OF DELTA STATE-DT/LGA/376 EXECUTION AND SUBSCRIPTION/MAINTENANCE OF V-SAT FACILITIES IN THE HEADQUARTERS OFFICE OF THE OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL(LOCAL GOVT)DT/LGA/376 EXECUTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AUDIT CONTROL TOOLS FOR OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL(LOCAL GOVT) UNDER 2021 BUDGET (DTLGA/376) SUPPLY OF 160 STUDENTS WOODEN 3 SEATER DESK AND 15 TEACHERS FURNITURE IN EACH OF THE SIX (6 EXISTNG TECHNICAL COLLEGES IN DELTA STATE SUPPLY OF (4) NOS SLASHERS EACH TO THE 6(SIX) TECHNICAL COLLEGES IN DELTA STATE Construction of Hon. Abinoko Road, Community Road and Ekuobodo Village Access Road (Phase II): Community Road, Mosogar in Ethiope West LGA Furnishing of 3,000 Capacity Multi-purpose Hall at the NYSC Permanent Orientation Camp, Issele-Uku, Aniocha North Local Government Area Implementation of International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS) for the 25 Local Governments in Delta State for Office of the Auditor-General (Local Government) under 2021 Budget DT/LGA/376/ Printing of Securitized Audit Certificate for Office of the Auditor-General (Local Government) under 2021 Budget DT/LGA/376/004. Purchase of Office Equipment for Office of the Auditor-General (Local Government) under 2021 Budget DT/LGA/376/006. Upgrade of School of Arts and Social Science at University of Delta, Agbor.(CONSULTANCY) Upgrade of School of Arts and Social Science at University of Delta, Agbor (CONSULTANCY). « Previous 1 … 7 8 9 10 11 … 27 Next »