Forgot Password [PM_Forget_Password] SUPPLY OF SAFES(DFS/JOB/03/1021) PROVISION OF OFFICE FURNITURE(DFS/JOB/02/10/21) Provision of Office Equipment for the Accountant-General Office Printing and supply of Treasury Forms for the Accountant General Office External Infrastructural Development (Mechanical and Electrical Installation), at Dennis Osadebay University, Asaba (CONSULTANCY) External Infrastructural Development (Mechanical and Electrical Installation), at Dennis Osadebay University, Asaba Construction of Residential Quarters for Principal Officer at University of Delta, Agbor, Owa-Alero Campus(CONSULTANCY) Construction of Residential Quarters for Principal Officer at University of Delta, Agbor, Owa-Alero Campus Construction of Maintenance Building for Faculty of Engineering at University of Delta, Owa-Alero Campus (CONSULTANCY) Construction of Maintenance Building for Faculty of Engineering at University of Delta, Owa-Alero Campus Construction of Maintenance Building at Dennis Osadebay University, Asaba External Infrastructural Development (Mechanical and Electrical Installation), at Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro.(consultancy) External Infrastructural Development (Mechanical and Electrical Installation), at Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro. Construction of a Vice Chancellor’s lodge at University of Delta, Agbor (CONSULTANCY) Construction of a Vice Chancellor’s lodge at University of Delta, Agbor Construction of a Vice Chancellor’s lodge at Dennis Osadebay University, Asaba(CONSULTANCY) Award of contract for the installation of wireless local area network(WLAN) and internet services at the Governor’s Lodge, Lagos Ref. No GHA 181/T1/101 REINFORCEMENT OF POWER SUPPLY 1(NO) 200kva, 11/0.415kva TRANSFORMER AT PASTOR CHUKA AGWUGBU STREET AND ENVIRONSIN OSHIMILI SOUTH LGAa Road by owa alero junction, boji boji owa in ika north east lga SUPPLY AND INSTALLATIONS OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT TO THE ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY UNIT OF EKU BAPTIST GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL, EKU, ETHIOPE EAST,LGA Procurement and Installation of Medical Equipment at the Advanced Diagnostic Medical Complex Owa-Alero and Mother & Child Care Centre Owa-Alero in Ika North East LGA RENOVATION OF STATE VERTINARY CLINIC, OGWASH-UKU RENOVATION OF MINISTRY OUTSTATION OFFICES AT WARRI RENOVATION OF MINISTRY OUTSTATION OFFICES AT AGBOR PROCUREMENT OF BASIC LABORATORY EQUIMENT AND REAGENTS FOR LABORATORIES REHABILITATION/RENOVATION OF AGBOR FISH HATCHERY Purchase of firefighting equipment & accessories for the state fire service command upply and Installation of Medical Equipment to the Accident and Emergency Unit of Eku Baptist Government Hospital, Eku Conversion of the Teachers Proffessional Development Centre to Faculty of Law and Magt. Sciences for University of Delta, Owa Oyibu Campus. (Provision of Furniture)(CONSULTANCY) Conversion of the Teachers Proffessional Development Centre to Faculty of Law and Magt. Sciences for University of Delta, Owa Oyibu Campus. (Provision of Furniture) Construction of a Vice Chancellor’s lodge Delta State of Science and Technology, Ozoro(CONSULTANCY) « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 27 Next »